Sugar Notch


est 1867

Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Council Work Sessions are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month or as advertised. All meetings are held at the Borough Building at 6pm and are open to the public

Forms & Applications

Here you will find information readily available to download and print out so that you may have all the necessary paperwork for your particular needs.

Our History

Read about the history of Sugar Notch Borough & see our historic photos.  

News & Information


Attention Residents: As the 4th of July approaches, please keep safety in mind. Please see our fireworks Notice. Fireworks Notice

Invitation for Request for Proposal

Sugar Notch Bid Ad

Quality of Life



PennDot public hearing

2025 Sugar Notch Borough Meeting Schedule

Sugar Notch Launches New Website

Sugar Notch Launches New Website

Welcome to Sugar Notch Borough's new home on the web.  We hope you'll find our new website enjoyable and easy to navigate.  You'll find information and downloadable forms on the Permits & Applications page.  Our elected officials, volunteers, & employees names...

Sugar Notch Borough Garbage Fee

In 2022, Sugar Notch borough accepted bids for the garbage pickup for residents and businesses in the borough. Two bids were received, one by J.P. Mascaro and one from County Waste. While both bids were significantly higher than what the borough was previously paying, Borough Council members chose the lesser of the two- J.P. Mascaro. Attached please find a copy of the agreement letter from Mascaro indicating the overall cost to the borough as well as a yearly cost. Garbage fees are due by April 15, 2023.